Waterford Family Law Firm Enforces Paternal Rights in Connecticut Divorces
Attorney Bruce A. Chamberlain is the knowledgeable and protective legal advisor you need when your ex-spouse tries to deny your paternal rights. The state of Connecticut recognizes both parents as having equal rights to child custody and visitation.
At the Waterford divorce law firm of Bruce A. Chamberlain, we rely on our extensive experience in divorce law to offer sound legal advice and individualized attention to our clients. If you are a father going through divorce, allow a knowledgeable family attorney to thoughtfully negotiate your child custody and visitation terms. Attorney Chamberlain is ready to effectively communicate both your interests and the best interests of your children to the judge.
Connecticut Law Maintains Father’s Rights Are Equal to Mother’s Rights
It is important for states to revisit their paternal rights laws regarding equality. Fortunately, Connecticut has already done so, and paternal rights are equal to maternal rights, so long as each parent is able to provide appropriately for his/her children.
Divorce cases often involve complex legal and emotional issues, family and marital disputes, and long processes of negotiation. Even with legal custody of your children, enforcing your rights as a father can be an on-going process. If, as a father, you believe you are more strongly bonded with your child or children, and can best serve their needs, it is highly advisable to secure experienced legal representation.
At the Waterford divorce law firm of Attorney Chamberlain, we champion the importance of the family unit. Our mission is determine what is legally best for children and never presume one parent is a more qualified candidate for child custody over the other.
Contact Bruce A. Chamberlain For Representation in Divorce
If you feel you need the support of a divorce attorney to protect and enforce your paternal rights, do not hesitate to call divorce attorney Bruce A. Chamberlain. Waterford-area attorney Bruce A. Chamberlain is dedicated to providing you with the support and guidance you need to navigate divorce proceedings while keeping your best interests in mind. Call to schedule your divorce consultation and rely on the knowledgeable and compassionate experience of Bruce A. Chamberlain (860) 440-2846.